I used to be quite good on the celebs. I watched the soaps. I watched reality shows. I knew what films were in the cinema. “Love It!” magazine was stacked welcomingly in my bathroom. (Yes, bathroom. Well, this WAS the time before smart phones.)
And then… something happened. One by one I dropped the soaps. Then the magazines. Then the reality shows. And in the mean time, celebs were spawning* like shiny, superficial, bunnies. People got famous for being able to put their make-up on quite well. Or for allowing their actual life to be scripted and filmed. And me… well I started a family, free time became a scarcity, but more than anything – I just stopped caring. Was this a reaction to the burgeoning shallowness of society? Nah. Expect it was just my age.
*There’s far too much Minecraft in my house.
Show me a celebrity
And I’ll say, “Who the fuck is she?!”
Show me one, and I’ll cry, “WHO?!”
Who ARE these people? Should I care?!
Nope. I’ve turned into my Mum.
©️ Nina Parmenter 2018
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