Right, a couple of things I need to make clear before we launch into this one.
Firstly, I’m not against Christmas decorations per se. I just think a couple of weeks of them is PLENTY (yes, and that applies to your Christmas jumpers too, peak-too-sooners).
Secondly, this poem has NOTHING to do with the fact that I have a mid-December birthday and think everything leading up to, and including, my birthday should be ALL ABOUT ME. So, now that’s all clear, without further ado…
Remember, remember, it still is November
If you’re blowing him up in the autumn.
Because Lapland is more of a laugh.
Having bored the tits off the good fairy.
“No it’s not, kids. It’s over six weeks.”
Keep Christmassy crap in the cupboard!
©️ Nina Parmenter 2017
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